
My work is influenced by the abstract expressionists of the 20th century. What drew me to this manner of painting was the discovery that happens through the process and the satisfaction that comes with emotive painting.

I work using oil colors, finding their texture and blendability deeply satisfying. By working in abstract forms I can tell the story of tenderness in nature, sometimes also exploring the contrast of its severity. Finessing the line between tension and beauty is my objective. My current body of work “My side of the arbor” explores this theme. I observe, and then paint, both patterns and randomness I see in nature. I choose my colors from those that represent the archetypal feminine character, and use them to conjure the same visceral reaction to nature that I experience.

I often work with designers on special projects and information on trade pricing is available by emailing [email protected].

Please visit my portfolios for a complete look at my work